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Asia Pacific

The International Cooperative Alliance Asia-Pacific is the regional organisation uniting, promoting and developing cooperative enterprises across all business sectors in Asia and the Pacific.

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National Cooperative Union of India 

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

The National Cooperative Union of India released a statement on the role of cooperatives and the apex union in responding to the COVID-19 related challenges. The first initiative of Indian cooperators from across the country is to support the  Prime Minister’s clarion call to observe a self-imposed ‘Janata (public) curfew’ on Sunday 22nd March and restrict their movement to very essential activities.

Agricultural Cooperatives Union of Palestine

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

Palestine’s Economic and Social Development Centre (ESDC) provided sterilisation materials for 26 cooperatives, to be used in production and other places with daily operations and customer interactions. To enhance food security, ESDC participated in a national campaign to create home gardens by delivering 100,000 seedlings to 1000 cooperative members. A survey was conducted of families/ farmers/ workers affected by the lockdown which resulted in lost incomes.

Cooperative Business New Zealand

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

Cooperative Business New Zealand reported that even with significant government support schemes being rapidly activated around wage subsidies, bank loans, etc., the country was already seeing a significant rise in unemployment, now now anticipated to rise to between 10-30% over the coming year/s). Food supply is not an issue, as New Zealand is able to source locally and the cooperative community (generates 19% of New Zealand's GDP) provides a significant proportion of the food supplies (both as a producer, but also as one of the two major super market food chains).

Cooperative Movement in Iran

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

A multitude of collective cooperative efforts in Iran are underway to increase production of materials and items needed for personal protection equipment. This includes masks, disinfectants, detergents, clothing and even raw materials.

Central Union of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

Turkey’s Central Union of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives took a series of measures to protect its members against COVID-19 and helped primary cooperatives continue their grassroots work. All enforcement and bankruptcy proceedings carried out throughout the country have been suspended as of 30 April 2020. The union offered flexibility on loan payments. A force majeure note was recorded in the Register in the Risk Center to address farmers credit debt. Loan principal and interest amounts set to expire in April and May will be postponed for 2 months without interest.

NTUC FairPrice Cooperative

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

Singapore-based NTUC Income announced that over 500,000 employees of organisations insured by its Group Employee Benefits policies will receive COVID-19 coverage at no additional premium.  NTUC FairPrice Cooperative (FairPrice) supplied food and daily necessities.

iCoop Korea 

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

iCOOP Korea increased its capacities in special disaster zones and created a COVID-19 Social Healing Project which collected KRW 4.9 Million to support the underprivileged as well as travel and service organizations. Read more  on the iCOOP website here.

National Federation of University Cooperatives Association

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

National Federation of University Cooperatives Association in Japan actively provided updates using social media, enabling connections all students – new and senior students. Sales have remained steady this year, nevertheless, when the university re-opens in the future, they will have to operate cafeterias, stores and other areas with safety measures in place to avoid crowding. Thus, the number of users will be greatly reduced. This poses a challenge to NFUCA.

HeW Coop

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

HeW Coop, Japan set up a task force on February 19, 2020 to take cognizance of the crisis and ascertain the role of cooperatives in fighting the pandemic. The Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union (JCCU) informed the government the difficulties and challenges in the healthcare and welfare businesses.

The Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society (ULCCS)

Submitted by zuraidah.hoffman on

The Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society (ULCCS)  of India started community kitchens to feed the hungry, specially arranged transportation for guest workers to reach their homes (3000 km away from Kerala), and provided cleaning and sanitising services to cities and hospitals. Their disaster management team was ready to meet any urgent hospital needs. ULCCS and its members have also provided information technology support to Government of Kerala to include what is now the official COVID-19 communication for the government called “GoK Direct”.

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