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Joint Declaration signed with the cooperative movement in the USA recognising #coopsday

22 Jun 2018
2018 ICA - NCBA CLUSA Joint Declaration Coopsday

Last week, the Board members of the International Cooperative Alliance met in Alabama (USA). It was a precious opportunity to get a more in-depth vision of the cooperative movement in the country and that recognized the significant contributions made by cooperatives in the fight for justice and equality during the U.S. Civil Rights movement.


On 19 June, a historic meeting was organised between the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA (NCBA CLUSA) recognizing the importance of international unification and collaboration to effectively advance the cooperative movement.


The organisations signed an Joint Declaration recognizing the opportunity presented by the International Day of Cooperatives celebrated on 7 July, to advance the commitment of the cooperative movement to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal’s (SDGs), which seek to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity.


The ICA - NCBA CLUSA Joint Declaration can be consulted here: 


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