On 10 November 2023, the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation referred a dispute over the right to strike under the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to organise Convention (ILO Convention No. 87) to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Before suggesting appropriate next steps, ICJ invited six organisations, including the International Cooperative Alliance, to provide written submissions for the Court's consideration by 16 May 2024.
In a letter to the ICA, the Legal Adviser and Director of the Office of Legal Services of the ILO also requested the written contribution and reiterated the consultative status enjoyed by the ICA with the ILO.
The ICA Cooperative Law Committee will contact the relevant ICA sectoral organisation(s), regions and member organisations to support its work on this submission. For details and to contribute, please contact Santosh Kumar of ICA at kumar@ica.coop.
Read more about this on the ILO website here.
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