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How cooperatives practice, protect and promote human rights in value chains

hr value chains

As the world is devastated by the health and socio-economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, human rights are at stake too. These crises have also shown the vulnerabilities that exist in our societies and have deepened different forms of inequalities. The global value chains have not been exempted as many businesses have reduced or ceased their operations due to lockdowns. This has resulted in many workers being laid off or working without adequate safety measures, leaving them at risk of infection and their rights exploited. 
To mark the Human Rights Day, on 10th December the International Cooperative Entrepreneurship Think Tank (ICETT) is inviting you to an online discussion on how cooperatives practice, protect and promote human rights in value chains.

The panelists will share inspiring stories and best practices, illustrate the value of cooperatives in local and global value chains, and how cooperatives could conduct Human Rights Due Diligence in their operations and value chains.

Human rights online event speakers flyer


The event will be in English. A report of it will be available in English, Spanish and French. 

Download the programme & concept note

Cooperatives, human-centred enterprises 

Respecting human rights is a key issue for the cooperative movement. In 2018, ICA members approved a declaration on decent work and against harassment at work places. They committed to respect, promote and act diligently to support the fundamental tenets of decent work, namely freedom of association and full recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; an end to child labour; and the elimination of discrimination in employment and every form of work.

The movement’s commitment falls in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which acknowledge that companies should undertake human rights due diligence measures to ensure their operations do not contribute to human rights abuses; instead, they should respect them.

What is the ICETT?

The International Cooperative Entrepreneurship Think Tank (ICETT) is an initiative of the International Cooperative Alliance launched in 2018 to strengthen cooperatives' entrepreneurial performance by seeking and using innovative ideas, research, education, and cooperation to address the challenges that cooperative enterprises are facing. 


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