
Cooperatives Europe represents 141 million cooperators, uniting, promoting and developing cooperative enterprises across all business sectors in the European region.

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Cooperatives Europe

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Pioneer Wednesdays, Co-op Fashionistas

Design an outfit for your own peg doll inspired by co-op fashions from the past. Dress up some of our period costumes! Drop in, no need to book. Activities free, donations welcome.

United Kingdom

Pioneer Wednesdays, Play Co-operatively!

Participate in some co-operative games, play with some historical toys and make your own Victorian toy to take home! Drop in, no need to book. Activities free, donations welcome.

United Kingdom

Pioneer Wednesdays, Plant a Pot and Co-operate!

Make and design your own flower pot using recycled materials and plant a seed for the future! This workshop will run by fairandfunky. Drop in, no need to book. Activities free, donations welcome.

United Kingdom

Pioneer Wednesdays, Mad as Co-op Hatters!

Come and make your own hat inspired by co-operative hat designs from the past! Drop in, no need to book. Activities free, donations welcome.

United Kingdom

Pioneer Wednesdays, Co-op Collage!

Create your own Pioneers Shop window display collage from recycled materials and inspired by co-operative products from the past! This workshop will be run by fairandfunky. Drop in, no need to book.

United Kingdom

Family Fun Day at the Community Garden

To celebrate International Co-operative Day we are offering a family fun day at the local community garden.

United Kingdom

“Sustainable business transfers in Europe, with specific focus on business transfers to employees”

The European Commission has estimated that around 150,000 enterprises employing around 600,000 persons may be lost each year over the next few years, if no transfer plan or heir is found for them, wit

Subscribe to Europe


On 22 January, the soft launch meeting of the

The deadline for submissions for the…

As we embark on a new year, a year designated by…