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ILO report sets out discussion agenda ahead of its International Labour Conference

08 Apr 2022

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has released a new report on Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), ahead of its International Labour Conference due to be held in Geneva between 30 May and 10 June 2022, the conference will bring together delegates from governments, workers and employers from ILO member states and it will feature a general discussion on the SSE.
The report includes five chapters. Chapter 1 describes the state of the SSE around the world. While noting that the term “social and solidarity economy” lacks universal acceptance, the report tries to provide a definition for the sector.
According to the report, the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) encompasses institutional units with a social or public purpose, engaged in economic activities based on voluntary cooperation, democratic and participatory governance, autonomy and independence, whose rules prohibit or limit the distribution of profit. SSE units may include cooperatives, associations, mutual societies, foundations, social enterprises, self-help groups and other units operating in accordance with SSE values and principles in the formal and the informal economies.
Chapter 2 mentions some of the contributions of the SSE to the global development priorities under the Decent Work Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Chapter 3: explores the relationship of the ILO’s tripartite constituents with the SSE, using examples from around the world.
Chapter 4: describes the ILO’s work on the SSE, with a specific focus on historical background, current programmes, development cooperation policy and partnerships and capacity-development activities.
Chapter 5 looks at how to strengthen the contribution of the SSE to decent work and sustainable development. It mentions several barriers that continue to restrict the development of SSE and suggests developing an enabling environment for the SSE and adopting SSE legislation that explicitly recognises SSE values and principles, among others.
ILC expected outcomes
One of the expected outcomes of the International Labour Conference is the proposal of a universal definition of the term “social and solidarity economy”, including its associated principles and values. In addition, the conference is expected to assess the contribution of the SSE to managing and promoting the overall support for people through the transitions they face in their working live; provide policy guidelines for a conducive environment for the SSE; provide guidance to the Office on how to engage in promoting and advancing the SSE; and encourage the Office to establish and maintain partnerships with SSE stakeholders.
The International Coalition on SSE, of which the ICA is a member, will be publishing a brief on the ILC.


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