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End of year message from ICA President

19 Dec 2022

Dear cooperative friends.

We are coming to the end of a year that was full of important events for the International Cooperative Alliance.

We met in Seville after almost two years of forced virtuality, to exchange ideas and make decisions that continue to make our movement grow.

Together, we continue to empower the Regions, Sectors and Committees that make up our organization.

We continue to promote youth participation, advance gender equality and strengthening the diversity that unites and characterizes us.

We achieved a higher position on the international agenda, with recognition of our work from governments and supranational organizations.

We continue to support the work of our members, from every country and every region.

We remain proud of our Cooperative Identity. And we are also convinced that our identity and cooperative values can help communities achieve a just recovery after the impact of the pandemic.

We are still going through a scenario of uncertainties, difficulties and suffering due to continued violence and inequalities happening in many places on our planet.

But we know that a fairer world, with democracy, solidarity and inclusion, is only possible if we can consolidate a paradigm of cooperation, mutual aid and commitment in our communities.

We have a proven track record in building harmonious societies, where collective work generates value, and is transformed into development opportunities for everyone, leaving no one behind.

That is why I invite you to continue moving forward to demonstrate that cooperation is the best path towards equity, peace and sustainable development.

Let’s continue showing that cooperatives build a better world.

In this coming year, let us be more united than ever and let us continue building the world that we want, that we deserve, and the kind that we must leave to the next generations.

I wish with all my heart that you spend happy holidays with your loved ones and that you have an excellent 2023.

Ariel Guarco,
President of the International Cooperative Alliance


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