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4th International Forum on Cooperative Law

25 Jan 2024

The 4th International Forum on Cooperative Law, took place from 29 November to 1 December 2023 in Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain), bringing together more than 100 people from 20 countries.

The event was organised by Ius Cooperativum Association with the support of GEZKI (Gizarte Ekonomia eta Zuzenbide Kooperatiboaren Institutua / Institute of Social Economy and Co-operative Law), the Law Faculty of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), the Kooperatiben Kontseilua (formerly the Higher Council of Cooperatives of Euskadi, CSCE-EKGK) and the ICA.

The Forum sought to explore the role of the principle of cooperation between cooperatives. Participants also discussed the relationship of the 6th Cooperative Principle with other principles from a legal point of view. 

Speakers shared their research on experiences in specific sectors such as agriculture, new technologies, dispute resolution, cooperation with social economy actors and more. Practices related to the 6th Principle in the context of the Basque Country were also shared. 

Xiwei Xu from the University of Luxembourg won the prize for the best paper and Paula De Iscar De Rojas won the second prize. The Forum also paid tribute to Professor Dante Cragocna, who was presented with a book written in his honour by cooperative lawyers from around the world. The book, Una visión comparada e internacional del derecho cooperativo y de la economía social y solidaria: Liber Amicorum Professor Dante Cracogna, was edited and coordinated by Prof Hagen Henry and Prof Carlos Vargas Vasserot. It can be purchased here.

San Sebastian

4th International Forum on Cooperative Law

The fourth International Forum of Cooperative Law took place in San Sebasti ...


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