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2024 arrivals: the ICA welcomes new members from the Philippines, Eswatini and Rwanda

07 Jun 2024

May 2024 saw the ICA gain three new full members: the MSU – IIT National Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MSU-IIT NMPC) from the Philippines; the National Cooperatives Federation of Eswatini (NCFE); and the National Cooperatives Confederation of Rwanda (NCCR).

MSU-IIT NMPC brings together cooperatives offering credit and savings services. Other benefits include insurance, housing and a cooperative academy. The cooperative currently operates 21 branches across the island of Mindanao, employing 295 people. It has 30,000 member co-ops with €38m in assets. Joining the ICA will enable it to engage with the ICA network and members, supporting the common cooperative agenda.

NCFE is a federation formed by three Eswatini umbrella bodies for cooperatives: the Eswatini Association of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (ESASCCO); the Eswatini Multi-Purpose Cooperative Union (ESWAMCU); and the Eswatini National Youth Cooperative Alliance (ESNYCA). Its responsibilities include representing and advocating for the cooperative sector, providing training for cooperatives and acting as a custodian for good corporate governance and values and principles. It joined the ICA to advocate for cooperatives in Eswatini, share information and attend workshops and consultative meetings with the ICA and its other members.

A non-governmental cooperative confederation, NCCR represents Rwandan cooperatives at the national and international levels. It acts as a national umbrella organisation, supporting its member federations, unions and primary cooperatives through capacity development, information sharing, advocacy and collaboration with public, private and civil society organisations at local, regional and international levels. It joined the ICA to be part of the organisation representing cooperatives globally and from the ICA programmes, access information, participate in various international conferences, vote in ICA elections and participate in other ICA bodies.

The ICA now has 302 member organisations from 104 countries, of which 264 are Full Members, and 38 are Associate Members.

Photo: Mindanao, the Philippines


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