18 Oct 2019
The Youth Network presented a resolution to the ICA General Assembly on 17 October to strengthen the ICA Youth Network. The resolution contained the highlights that follow:
- reinforce the importance of the regional youth committees and their participation with a vote at the regional level in the ICA Boards;
- the introduction of the youth action plan in the general ICA Global Strategy;
- the allocation of resources to support the youth representatives to attend ICA official events and assuring a yearly in-person youth committee meeting;
- and introducing different measures and tools to make the Global Youth Network more accessible
This resolution was presented under the context of the reform of the ICA committees and was approved unanimously and received by the General Assembly with a standing ovation.
ICA Youth Network Resolution ENGLISH
(68.43 KB)
ICA Youth Network Resolution SPANISH
(92.43 KB)
ICA Youth Network Resolution FRENCH
(138.91 KB)