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Cooperatives: key partners in realizing the agenda 2030 for Sustainable development

27 Oct 2023
position paper SDG summit

The international community marked the mid-point in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2023. The UN hosted the SDG Summit which culminated to Member States adopting a political declaration with a call to action to reverse the declines and accelerate the progress to achieve the 2030 Agenda and implement the SDGs. Cooperatives contributed to the process that defined the content of the Agenda 2030, resulting in acknowledgment of the significant role of cooperatives in achieving sustainable development. The SDGs are at the very core of cooperative enterprises as the cooperative business model is based on ethical values and principles whose goal is to provide for the needs and aspirations of its members and the community. To unleash the full potential of cooperatives’ contribution to the SDGs, they need a robust and a conducive policy and regulatory environment.

Find attached below the position paper.


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