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Join the webinar: learn more about the Global Consultation on the Cooperative Identity

05 May 2022

On 13 May 2022, the ICA will organise an online discussion as a first concrete follow-up of the Congress which initiated a consultative process aimed at exploring how well the Statement on the Cooperative Identity is known, understood and if it has stood the test of time since its adoption in 1995. 

The objectives of this event are to inform widely the main takeaways of the reports of the rapporteurs of the 33rd World Cooperative Congress, create awareness about the global consultation on the ICA Statement on the Cooperative Identity, and to thematically bring together cooperators and the ILO, ahead of the 110th Session of the International Labour Conference and the International Day of Cooperatives.

Register for the event here.

FULL PROGRAMME AND CONCEPT NOTE Webinar Global Consultation on the Cooperative Identity


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