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President's message: Cooperative insider special edition on cooperative answers to COVID-19

24 Feb 2021

2021 is here and the pandemic continues. This virus has reached every corner of this planet. The health, economic and social impact continue to cause a lot of pain around us.

That’s why cooperatives continue to put our values ​​and principles into action, highlighting the importance to act in this moment in the history of humanity.

We can also be sure that in every corner of the world, there has been cooperation, solidarity and mutual aid. 

Our organisations last year have been and still are, examples of how societies can overcome this crisis with cooperation. More than one billion cooperative members continue to act on a global scale to show that no one can face this alone.

In the fields of health, production, retail, finance, housing, work, education, services and many other spheres where we are active, cooperatives can be a beacon for a world that must learn from its mistakes.

The pandemic must not be an occasion for the paradigm of competition and speculation to be given prominence on the world stage. On the contrary, it must be a historic opportunity to deepen the cooperative identity and pave the way out of this global crisis.

I invite you to explore this newsletter for data, stories and voices that will convince us even more that this path is one of cooperation, solidarity, democracy and peace.


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