ICA elections: presidential debate among candidates
In the run-up to the ICA General Assembly in Seville, ICA Members worldwide were invited to meet the Presidential Candidates during a webinar on 31 May.
Over 120 participants heard from the current ICA president Ariel Enrique Guarco (Cooperar, Argentina), who is standing for re-election; Melina Morrison (BCCM, Australia) and Jean-Louis Bancel (CoopFR, France).
The ICA Elections’ Committee organised this webinar so that members who cannot attend the ICA General Assembly on 20 June in Seville could hear from the Presidential candidates and ask them questions. The candidates presented their plans and engaged with members. The debate served as a space for democratic participation, validating the inclusiveness and diversity of the cooperative model.
The candidates’ profiles are available here.
The three candidates were also interviewed by Co-op News. Read the interviews (in English):
Ariel Enrique Guarco http://bit.ly/38uN0j8
Melina Morrison http://bit.ly/3N1JBaG
Jean-Louis Bancel http://bit.ly/3a7x5bd
Co-op News also interviewed the candidates for the ICA Board Members at large, you can find the responses here. Twenty-two candidates are standing for 15 seats on the board while three candidates are standing for the ICA president position. The mandate for the President and board positions is four years.
Four ICA sectoral organisations, the youth representative, and gender equality committee representatives have been nominated by their respective constituents and will be formally elected by the General Assembly. Three Vice Presidents that were recently elected by their Regional Assemblies will be ratified by the ICA General Assembly. See the full list of General Assembly 2022 Candidates here
The list of the current ICA Board members is available here.