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The cooperative movement pays tribute to Stanley Charles Muchiri, ICA-Africa President since 2003

08 Oct 2018

Stanley Charles Muchiri passed away on 6 October 2018 in Abuja, Nigeria. We are saddened and stunned.

Barely three days before, at the ICA-Africa Regional Assembly, he had retired from the position of ICA-Africa President, to which he had been first elected in 2003. Two days before, a special dinner had been given in his honor, where he made a vigorous speech on the African cooperative movement.
As a great and true cooperator, Stanley Charles Muchiri was the friend of all persons of good will, a believer in the dignity and equality of all human beings, a fighter for justice, and an apostle of peace.

Stanley Charles Muchiri was a proud son of Africa, a voice of the African and worldwide cooperative movement and a paragon of a global citizen.  He will certainly remain one of the great leaders of the cooperative movement. ICA-Africa was fortunate to have been led by him. His legacy will remain a true inspiration for the next generation in the African cooperative movement.
Stanley Charles Muchiri left us too early. We have lost a warm, honest and passionate person. In the name of the International Cooperative Alliance and the international cooperative movement, we wish to convey our deepest sympathy to his family, his friends, and his colleagues. 


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