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Call for the 2019 Rochdale Pioneers Award Nominations

16 Apr 2019

Nominations are open for the International Cooperative Alliance’s Rochdale Pioneers Award, the highest honour that the ICA bestows.

The purpose of the Award is to recognise, in the spirit of the contribution of the Rochdale Pioneers, an individual who has contributed to innovative and financially sustainable cooperative activities that have significantly benefited cooperative members. Under special circumstances, a cooperative organisation can be recognised.

The award will be presented in Kigali, Rwanda, 14-17 October 2019, when cooperators from around the world convene for the biennial ICA Conference on Development and General Assembly.

Nominations are invited from member organisations of the ICA and from organisations in solidarity with the cooperative movement. Nominees must be current or former members or employees in an ICA member organisation or in one of that organisation’s members or affiliates. If an organisation is nominated, rather than an individual, it must be an ICA member organisation or one of that organisation’s members or affiliates.

A nominee’s achievements must:

  • Visibly demonstrate benefit to the global cooperative movement
  • Be innovative
  • Be financially sustainable and of a permanent nature
  • Be a leader in the cooperative movement
  • Demonstrate commitment to the cooperative principles

Selection of the final awardee will be made by an ICA Board-appointed committee. To be considered, fully completed forms and required documents must be received by 1 July 2019 to the following email: hacquard@ica.coop

Thank you in advance for your assistance in identifying remarkable co-operators!


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