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Call for Relief: Cooperative Movement in Mozambique

09 Apr 2019

Mozambique has been devastated by the cyclone Cyclone Idai. While precise reports are always difficult to obtain immediately following such events, reliable accounts place the loss in more than 1,000 lives with around 551,000 directly affected. We know from experience that many multiples of that will be affected.

The International Cooperative Alliance has in recent years served as a channel for donations from our members who wish to provide support for the recovery effort from such terrible events. We did so for the 2010 Haiti earthquake the 2011 Japanese tsunami, and the 2013 Philippines cyclone, for example. We are now establishing a Recovery Fund that can be used for Cyclone Idai response.

We have been in communication with our member in Mozambique, the AMPCM - Associação Moç.Para Promoção do Cooperativismo Moderno. They have shared with us a project for humanitarian assistance which you can view here. If you would like to support their proposal, you may send your donations to the International Cooperative Alliance and we will ensure that they receive the funds:

Beneficiary: Alliance Coopérative Internationale 
Bank Name: KBC Brussels 
Branch Name: KBC Brussels Dailly
Bank Address: Place Dailly 3 - 1030 Brussels - Belgium
IBAN: BE28 7340 3825 7920

Important! Reference “Mozambique” when sending the bank transfer


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