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What is waiting for you at #Coopconference17 ? Get a snapshot of the final programme!

09 Nov 2017

The Alliance’s Global Conference and General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will bring together 1,700 co-operators from across the world to explore how co-operatives are putting people at the centre of development. 

The conference has been designed on four key themes: learn, experiment, network and explore. Dr Linda Yeuh, a fellow in economics at Oxford University, will deliver the official opening keynote speech on Wednesday, 15 November. In a presentation that is not to be missed, she will provide a global outlook on economic, environmental and social challenges examining the possible contributions of co-operatives in addressing these. 

The speech will be followed by three simultaneous debates looking at – Building partnerships for the future, co-op to co-op trade and the collaborative economy.

The first day of the conference will also feature LEARN sessions on the co-operative potential for the refugee crisis and new migrations; and an analysis of the contributing to citizens’ health by co-operatives around the world. Later in the afternoon, delegates will be able to choose between sessions on Models of co-operative engagement in the SDGs and Co-operatives and big data, among other sessions.

Throughout the day participants can also join “How-to” workshops exploring the opportunities and challenges faced by young people when creating a co-operative workplace and how to make the case for co-operatives to policymakers. 

During the EXPLORE sessions delegates will get to learn more about an upcoming book by Ed Mayo, secretary of Co-operatives UK, and watch the documentaries PBS Series Visionaries on co-operatives and Actual World, Possible Future.

The day will end with a Co-op to co-op trade networking event at MACCOPS, the Malaysian Carnival of Co-operatives Products and Services, which takes place on 15-19 November at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre. 

On Thursday, 16 November, the conference will kick off with the launch of the new edition of the World Cooperative Monitor and will be the occasion to to present the 2017 Rochdale award. The Monitor is produced in partnership between the Alliance and Euricse. It has become a key component in analysing the world’s co-operative movement, providing information for research into co-operative business enterprises. You can find last year’s edition here.

Three simultaneous sessions will then look at the existing legal hurdles co-ops still face, the path towards better statistics on co-operatives and building sustainable supply chains, among others.

Various "How To" workshop throughout the day will explore the makings of effective leadership, communicating the co-operative message, tips from young co-operative leaders and the Alliance’s member value.

Three LEARN thought debates will look at on Co-operatives and the future of work, Governments as co-operative advocates, and Multi-stakeholder co-ops. 

This will be followed by a debate with the candidates for the Alliance’s presidency, who will offer their perspectives.

The conference will end with a closing plenary including a keynote presentation by Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland (link to add), former prime minister of Norway, who will discuss the implications for building a more sustainable future as a united movement. 

On 15 and & 16 November, participants will have the chance to meet the candidates for the Alliance Global Board before the elections at the General Assembly and test the voting system.

Friday will be dedicated to the Alliance’s General Assembly, which is also open to attendees not representing member organisations assisting as observers. The agenda will include the election of the Alliance Board, the approval of the 2016 accounts and appointment of the auditor and proposed amendments to articles and by-laws and motions or resolutions submitted. Interpretation in English, French & Spanish will be provided for the General Assembly.

Read the full conference programme here.


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