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Showing our difference: 8,000 .coop domains and over 100 countries using the Co-operative Marque

25 Jan 2018

Getting the co-op message out to the world is critical to growing our movement and having .coop on board is one of the most valuable assets. In 2017, the DotCoop team set out to raise awareness of the .coop domain and the benefits it brings to co-operatives that use it.

A new .coop brand with ‘The Dot that Says a Lot’ was created. ‘The Dot’ began to appear on computer screens and mobiles in May with the launch of our new .coop website - www.coop. Since then .coop has reached out to co-operators wherever they are both online and offline.

Worldwide, more than 100 billion emails are sent and received every day and .coop is using the power of email to spread the co-operative message. By simply adding a ‘Dot that Says a Lot’ graphic from http://www.coop/collateral/ to their email signature file, every time a co-operator sends an email they are telling the world they are part of a co-op.

DotCoop header

In November the DotCoop team headed to the International Co-operative Alliance’s Global Conference and Assembly in Kuala Lumpur. Alongside the team of ‘media ambassadors’ broadcasting daily activity from the conference floor on social media, The Dot helped get #coopconference17 trending at number one on Twitter in the UK and top five in Malaysia!

So what does .coop have planned for the new year?

The internet provides a great opportunity for co-ops to develop both community and business, so the DotCoop team will be introducing new members to the current .coop family of over 8,000 domains representing nearly 5,000 organisations from 92 countries.

As part of that effort, DotCoop will be promoting the Global Co-operative Marque. Since its launch five years ago, the Marque is being used by over 3,500 organisations in over 100 countries. There are around 25 new registrations each month.

One thing you can be sure of is, be it in an email, on a website, in a video or at a conference, wherever people need to know why co-ops are great, in 2018 The Dot that Says a Lot will be there reminding them about the Global Co-operative Movement’s exclusive internet space; the .coop domain.


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