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Health co-ops promoting a new approach to the provision of health services

14 Nov 2017

On World Diabetes Day, representatives from health co-operatives from around the world met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to discuss the sector’s vision for the future.

The General Assembly of the International Health Co-operative Organisation has representatives of health co-ops from 14 countries, who talked about their response to the challenges of an ageing population and the widening gap between rich and poor. A key focus is the prevention of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, which reduces the need for secondary care.

Ricardo López from Argentina said health co-ops in his country provide social services that contribute to wellbeing alongside medical services. His organisation, the Federation of Health Co-operatives of Argentina (FAESS ), also works with the country’s worker co-operatives to provide health services for employees.

Carlos Zarco from Fundación Espriu in Spain discussed the role played by health co-operative in his country. Fundacion Espriu provides services to 2.5 million people and employs more than 50 . 000 professionals .

Adrian Watts, chief executive of the National Health Co-operative in Australia, said his organisation, now 10 years old, represents over 40,000 members and provides primary health care service. It also focuses on chronic diseases such as diabetes.

In Brazil, UNIMED, a confederation of 380 medical co-operatives, recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.

The meeting also heard from secretary José Perez, who presented the accounts and activities carried out during the past year. During 2017 IHCO was involved in the B20 Health Conference in May in Berlin. As a result, a policy paper on health sent to Prime Ministers of the G20 countries included a paragraph on the role of health co-operatives in providing services.

It’s important that heath co-ops are on the agenda of governments because they are part of the solutions to the challenges that we will face in the future to maintain the national health systems,” he said.

IHCO will present a report on the state of health co-operatives on 15 November during a special session at the International Co-operative Alliance’s Global Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

New IHCO board elected:

The meeting elected a new board, which now comprises: Carlos Zarco, Fundacion Espriu, Spain (chair); Ricardo López, FAES, Argentina (vice chair); Toshinori Ozeki, Japanese Health and Welfare Cooperative Federation, Japan (vice chair); Jagdev Singh Deo, Koperasi Doktor Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia (board member); Adrian Watts, National Health Co-op, Australia (board member).


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