Official launch of IYC 2025 in the Americas


You are invited to the launching ceremony of the Regional Agenda for the International Year of Cooperatives in the Americas Region, taking place on February 20, 2025, at the Jean Clevers Hotel, Punta del Este, Uruguay.

This event, organised by INACOOP Uruguay as part of the Regional Network of Governmental Institutes for Cooperative Promotion, Regulation, Supervision, and Financing, will feature:

  • The official presentation of the 2025 IYC Regional Activities Calendar.
  • Special guests, including Dr. Ariel Guarco, ICA President, national government representatives, and UN agency delegates.
  • A tribute to Graciela Fernández, former President of Cooperatives of the Americas who will also join in person.

Participants can join in person or virtually, with YouTube streaming available for general attendees.

For in-person attendees, arrival is recommended on February 19, with departure on February 21. While travel and accommodation costs are self-funded, food services during the event will be provided by the hosts.

Please confirm your participation by January 25, 2025, by completing the registration form here.



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